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The Life of a Patio Door: How Long Do They Last?

February 6, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — irondoors @ 1:21 am
sliding patio door and deck

As you think about updating your home, one component you might consider is your patio door. Was it there when you moved in or built the house? Does it make noise when opening or closing it? Does it lack appeal and need a serious upgrade? If so, it may be time to think about making a change. Keep reading to learn about the life expectancy of patio doors and what signs you should look for that suggest a new one awaits.

What is the Average Life Expectancy of a Patio Door?

As with almost anything you own, the better you take care of it, the longer it will last. When it comes to patio doors, you may be able to get 20-25 years out of them. Some may stick around for 30 years; however, ultimately, the lifespan of these doors will vary based on:

  • How they are made
  • The kinds of hardware used
  • The type of glass used
  • How well you take care of them

Different materials have varying lifespans, and your commitment to caring for your patio doors will play a significant role in how well they hold up over time. Whether it’s treating wood, removing dirt and build-up, or taking care of the glass and hardware, maintenance is key for a longer lifespan.

What Kind of Signs Indicate It’s Time for a New Door?

If you’re unsure whether you need to invest in a new patio door for your home, there are a few key indicators that can help you decide. These include:

  • Gaps – If you don’t mind letting the cold weather in, you may not be bothered by gaps in your door; however, it will take a toll on your utility bills. Leaving gaps unchecked will have you working your heater and AC unit much harder as you try to keep your home comfortable year-round.
  • Cracks – Similar to gaps, if cracks appear around the door frame, and the material is made of wood, you’re likely not treating it as you should, causing outside elements to negatively affect its quality and durability.
  • Sticking – If you struggle to open or close your door because it keeps sticking, it’s time to switch it out for a new one. Those that sit on a track (i.e., bi-fold or sliding doors) need regular maintenance to keep things moving smoothly, so if you begin to have difficulty and cleaning no longer works, start thinking about your budget for a new patio door.

Working with a skilled professional is one of the best ways to determine what kind of replacement will be best. By relying on their expertise, you can be sure that your new patio door will match the aesthetics of your home while also delivering optimal functionality.

About Adooring Designs
Since 2005, Adooring Designs has provided homeowners in Fort Worth with beautiful, custom-made doors and more. Providing free in-home estimates, we are here to deliver beautiful products that not only help your home to have greater visual appeal but also last significantly longer than other basic materials. Contact us via our website or call (817) 745-0522 if you need help deciding when it’s time to replace your patio doors.

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