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Happy Holidays: 3 Beautiful Designs to Consider for Your Iron Doors

December 1, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — irondoors @ 9:35 pm
wrought iron doors at Christmas

Decorating your home for the holidays can be a fun and exciting experience. From deciding your color scheme to determining whether you want something elegant or fun and festive, the options are endless. If you’re struggling for a bit of inspiration, though, here are three unique designs you can use when deciding how to elevate your iron doors this holiday season.


Tick Tock: How Long Does It Take to Install Replacement Windows?

November 23, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — irondoors @ 4:18 am
workers installing replacement windows

You’re tired of looking at your old windows, and you’re done with the high energy bills that keep coming each month. When deciding to move forward with replacement windows, it’s important that you consider various factors, one of which is how long it will take to install them. Before signing a contract to begin work, keep reading to find out what kind of timeline is “normal” for this kind of home remodel.


What Are the Different Types of Iron Doors?

November 8, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — irondoors @ 3:54 am
classic wrought iron door

Did you know that there are multiple types of iron doors that can be created to match your preferred style and design? While you may not know yet which one you want for your home, you can spend some time learning about the different types, as this will help when it comes time to remodel the exterior of your humble abode. Keep reading to discover just how versatile this material can be.


Glass Wall vs. Drywall: Which is Cheaper?

October 12, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — irondoors @ 6:48 pm
a glass wall inside a home

You’re looking to remodel your home but want something different – a way to open up a particular space while still having a separation between rooms. Although the “normal” option is to choose drywall, there is now a newer and more unique alternative – glass walls. If the idea of having a partition that allows you to see into other areas of your home sounds intriguing, keep reading to learn more about the differences between drywall and glass walls, especially when it comes to cost.


4 Things to Keep in Mind Before Purchasing a Sliding Patio Door

October 7, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — irondoors @ 7:44 pm
a closeup of an exterior sliding patio door

Exterior sliding glass doors are a great space-saving design that can suit a variety of home design schemes, and they’ve become more popular than ever before these days among homeowners all over! But you might not even know where to start if you’re thinking about adding one of these doors to your house; with so many options and levels of customization, how are you supposed to know which is best for your needs? Continue reading below to learn about four important things every homeowner should keep in mind if they’re thinking about installing one of these versatile and exciting doors!


Will Sliding Glass Doors Increase the Value of My Home?

September 22, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — irondoors @ 9:27 pm
a sliding glass wall on the side of a house

Whether you’re looking to put your home on the market right away or not, finding ways to add value to your home can be a worthwhile decision. Upgrading your flooring, cabinets, and even technology can make it more appealing to future homebuyers, but have you considered how changing up the doors can help to increase the price tag? Keep reading to learn why sliding glass doors not only help to enhance your home’s visual appeal and energy efficiency but also its market value.


Why Should You Make the Switch to Glass Patio Doors?

September 6, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — irondoors @ 8:55 pm
a sliding glass wall on the side of a house

Are you unhappy with aspects of your home? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Many homeowners want to change the style and functionality of their homes, and one of the most sought-after ways to do this is with new doors. Over the years, problems can arise, causing these entrances and exits to wear down and no longer serve their intended purpose (i.e., pleasing aesthetic, protection from the elements, etc.). If you want a solution that builds more visual appeal while also creating a more energy-efficient home, find out why you should make the switch to glass patio doors.


Epoxy Paint or Powder: Which Coating is Right for Your Iron Doors?

August 11, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — irondoors @ 9:19 pm
a modern iron door

Having iron doors added to your home’s exterior can be an exciting improvement that not only enhances its appearance but also increases its value. But before you can enjoy their new placement, you must consider the type of coating finish that they need. This may be a foreign term to you, but it’s essential for the longevity of your new doors. Read on to learn the difference between epoxy paint and powder coatings so that you can determine which one is right for your iron doors.


4 Must-Know Tips for Making Your Front Porch Pop!

August 3, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — irondoors @ 5:52 pm
a close-up of a home’s porch and front door

There are few things as relaxing as leaning back in a rocking chair on your front porch and watching the day slowly pass by. But your front porch isn’t just a great hangout spot; it also enables access to your home and keeps your front door protected from the elements. More importantly, it also says a lot about your personality and plays an integral part in your house’s curb appeal. With that in mind, here are some things to consider if you’re hoping to elevate your front porch and make it pop, including adding a beautiful iron front door!


Which Type of Iron Door Should I Choose?

July 28, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — irondoors @ 9:41 pm
wrought iron

Believe it or not, not all iron is the same. There are multiple types to choose from, and it often takes doing your research and meeting with a skilled craftsman who can explain the variations. When preparing to remodel your home, you may wonder about the different types of iron doors, and which one is right for you. Read on to discover more about the various kinds before making your final decision.

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